Bakery Products
The constant introduction of new products, with keeping the standard quality towards the end consumer, is a complex process. A wide range of modern powder and cream products make it possible for the baking industry not only to secure production, but also the ability to produce bakery products with high and effective quality, using the latest techniques and technologies. The same refers for small bakeries as well.
On the basis of the results of such international experience, various interesting international types of bread and pastry are introduced on the market, which indirectly leads to changes, but also to the acquisition of habits for consumption of healthy and interesting products.
The Croatian company Irex Aroma operates since 1993 as a daughter company of the company Ireks from Kulmbach, Germany, one of the leading manufacturers of improvers and dedicated mixtures for bread, pastry and sweets. Also, Irex Aroma is a general agent and distributor of the German company RAPS (Spices and Accessories in the meat industry) for the territory of the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
All products of Irex Aroma are developed and produced with maximum care for the preservation of the environment and are based, primarily, on natural raw materials of the highest quality. With each product, Irex Aroma offers appropriate technical support and application support, and as a guarantee for the quality of products is the possession of the ISO 9001: 2000 standard, as well as the “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points”.
With its overall activity, Irex Aroma greatly helps bakers and confectioners in offering the best quality products to its consumers. An increasing trend of market opening leads to a market without borders, which means that individual specialties, such as, for example, The French “baguette” or the Italian “ciabatta” or “Vollkornbrot” from Germany will be available worldwide. IREX AROMA has been on the road for years and follows this trend.
Horizont’s Bakery Portfolio includes the following products:
Finished blends
Additives or powder-improvers in the form of emulsions are used for better technological processing and improved bakery for all types of bread, pastry and other bakery products, in terms of improving the quality of finished products, increasing the volume and retaining freshness.
Concentrates (mixtures) are used for simple and quick preparation of various bakery products with high nutritive value, quality organoleptic properties and continuity of freshness and durability.
Finished blends are very high-quality and practical products that significantly simplify and shorten the process of working in the production, because all the necessary – important ingredients are already in the intended mixture. The finished blends are used for simple and quick preparation of various bakery products with high nutritive value, quality organoleptic properties, prolonged freshness and durability. For the preparation of ready-made products, a boiling additive and water is usually added to the finished blends.
Preservatives are used to prevent spoilage (finishing, molding) of bakery products.
The pasta supplement is used to better connect the dough and to reduce the fragility of the pasta.

Horizont Demo Center Presentations
Apart from its food distribution services Horizont provides bakery and pastry demo presentations of new products on all regions in Republic of Macedonia. This need for demo presentations of new additives, mixers and products first came to notice when companies around the republic expressed their need for someone to present all the new companies and
products that are available on the market. Horizont is proud to be part of this tradition for many years and as of next year Horizont is building its own DEMO CENTER for presentation of new products accompanied with experienced experts and new technology.