Dairy 2018-07-31T12:46:49+00:00


Milk is one of the products that has been used by humans since the beginning of time to provide fresh and storable nutritious foods. All over the world milk is consumed as fresh pasteurized whole, low-fat, or skim milk. However, most milk is manufactured into different stable dairy products of worldwide commerce, such as butter, cheese, dried milks, ice cream, and condensed milk.

zdenka logoZdenka is a company with long tradition in the production of cheese. It was founded in 1897, in Veliki Zdenci, Croatia. The company is engaged in agricultural and livestock production, but the main activity is the production of milk.

The factory is state-owned by 2008. Nowadays, 112 years after its foundation, Zdenka is privately owned and respectable, specialized dairy factory for the production of dairy products. Zdenka is a leader in the market and represents a synonym for processed cheese, with more than 70% participation in the segment of processed cheese on the Croatian market.

In the Dairy program, Horizont distributes the following products:

Melted Cheese


Cream Cheese

One of the most famous Zdenka products is melted cheese. Prepared according to the original recipe, with a rich flavor and creamy structure, it is used for flavoring, cooking and as an ingredient in sauces and dishes. This product has a wide range of flavors: classic, chardas, sandwich, champignons, special or light flavor.

Made from the best quality milk, Zdenka’s cheese is a synonym of quality. Original home recipes combined with modern technology provide distinctive aroma and superior quality.

The healthy legumes are characterized by their easy smell, creamy structure and very rich taste. Zdenka’s milky porcelain is produced in two flavors. Natura is a classic cream, while Picant is a cream cheese processed with the addition of peppers. Piquant Porridge is for those who love things a little spicy.

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